Back to the Pharmacy
Friday, January 9, 2009
My friends, Barbara and Farley, asked if I would join them to a return trip up to the old pharmacy to visit the spirit that I became fast friends with last time. I am always up for a little practice honing my skills, especially with a known friendly spirit.
This time was a little different.
We walked into the building and headed upstairs to his space. At first I felt like we were chasing him down as he kept moving around as to avoid us. So we decided to just have a seat in the middle of the dark room just as before.
I felt confused by the energy, because it was different that the past couple of times I have been in the building. But the friendly spirit I was looking for was definitely present. I found out later what all the confusion was.We announced ourselves and let him know we had no recording devices or electronics of any sort. We just wanted to visit with him. We asked if he could do something to announce his presence as well. Immediately I began seeing bright streaks of light all around the room in front of us. After a few moments it was pretty clear that I was the only one seeing them.
I explained to him that, while I appreciated his efforts in response to our request, I was the only one that could see him. So I requested something that all three of us could see or hear.
The response to this request was pretty astounding and like nothing else I’ve ever experienced first hand.
All three of us noticed the floor starting to sway. I’m not sure how this effect was caused, because I’m fairly certain that the whole building was not actually swaying. Yet, all of us experienced the same sensation simultaneously.
Then, we began to hear a series of taps and pops across the pitch black room. When this started, I began to feel weak and nauseated. Then I began to vibrate.
Yes, vibrate.
I assumed the floor was vibrating and I was feeling it from the floor, but no one else could feel it. Both of my friends touched me and could feel the vibration. It was truly bizarre.
Barbara asked if I needed to leave because of my obvious discomfort, but I was intrigued by what was happening and was willing to endure the discomfort to follow through. After five minutes or so, though, I needed it to stop. I stated out loud that I understood that making the sounds was hard for him, and he was making it hard for me. Please stop.
The sounds immediately stopped. We didn’t hear one more tap or pop from across the room. Up until that point, I wasn’t entirely certain that the sounds we being caused by a spirit using me as a viable energy source to comply with our requests or just an old building settling in the cold temperatures. But in the next few moments following my request for him to stop, I began to feel back to normal and the vibration stopped. I was sure then exactly what had happened.
It was then that the energy confusion I felt earlier became clearer. I looked to the left and could see the silhouette of Farley because of a small light source from downstairs. Then a dark shadow of a large man walked quickly behind him and into the darkness. I caught a glimpse of him again on the other side of the room before he disappeared into the darkness completely. Before I could even say anything, Barbara asked me if I sensed a presence to our left behind Farley. She didn’t see him, but it was a strong presence and easy to sense. We all noticed the energy difference the room held.
He didn’t feel aggressive or dangerous, but very protective and seemed irritated that we were there. His vibe was not welcoming. This explained the confusion I had coming into the building. He had yet to show himself to me before in this space.
With this energy shift, we went ahead and packed it in and went home.
I got in my car and shut the door and noticed the energy in my car was no different than in the building.
This guy is trying to follow me home!
Well, I did fail to tell them all on this trip that they were not to follow me out of the building. You know, minor details, right? When I pulled up to my house just a few blocks away, I told him that my house is crowded enough and he would be sleeping in the car tonight and was not allowed in my house.
The next morning my car battery was dead.
Maybe he did sleep in the car. Hmmm…
He must have not enjoyed his sleeping accommodations, because I haven’t sensed him around since that night and have had no more trouble out of my car battery.
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